Our Place

Transforming Wende Hall

Published September 1, 2019

Our school is a place of transformative learning and stellar classroom education. Faculty and staff continue to evolve and grow in the increasingly tech-savvy academic and health care arenas, answering the call to flourish in this interconnected world.


The Wende Hall atrium was transformed into an inviting student study space. New floors and furniture, refreshed paint in UB colors and a steel school logo complete the new look. Three large television monitors were also added to keep students informed about learning opportunities, events, student and faculty achievements, academic programs, and more.

Wende Hall atrium.
Wende Hall atrium lounge.
Graduate Student Lounge

The graduate student lounge in 330 Wende Hall provides a quiet workspace for our hard-working graduate students, whether it is for independent study or collaboration.

Graduate student lounge.
Classrooms & Conference Rooms

Several classrooms and conference rooms were outfitted with video conferencing technology: new software, monitors, podiums, cameras and sound enable faculty and students to collaborate with scholars across the globe. This technology expands educational opportunities and knowledge dissemination through high-quality virtual presentations and conferencing and creates an engaging learning environment for students.knowledge dissemination through high-quality virtual presentations and conferencing and creates an engaging learning environment for students.

Conference room.
Faculty Offices

Several private faculty offices and office suites were added to Wende Hall to accommodate our dedicated full-time faculty. These spaces enable faculty to mentor students in a more confidential setting and provide a quiet space in which they are able to conduct research, meetings and other work.
