Learn how a $2 million grant from the National Cancer Institute fuels our partnership with Roswell Park's to advance cancer research and inspire future nurse scientists.
Nursing, the "Most Trusted Profession," receives just 1% of health care donations, leaving schools underfunded despite their vital role in patient care.
Ashleigh Holmes, UB Nursing PhD student, and Yu-Ping Chang, UB nursing associate dean for research and professor, published a study in the Journal of Advanced Nursing utilizing an innovative nursing research methodology.
Learn how you can help nursing students, educators and scientists at UB become stellar providers, generators of new health knowledge and leaders who advocate for the health and wellness of patients and communities.
Faces & Voices
“When I decided to go back to school, I knew that UB would be my top choice. After attending the virtual ABS session, I fell in love with the design of the program and I knew it was time to come back home.”
Dandrea Rynkewicz, BS ‘22 (ABS program)
“I selected UB for nursing due to its reputation of having a very successful program and affordability. Also, the nursing advisors were extremely organized and helpful! ”
Kayla Deth, BS '22 (ABS program)
“UB is a place where you are challenged to apply your knowledge and collaborate with other individuals to address some of the world's complex issues via research.”
Shantel Coleman, DNP Student (Adult NP)
“I hope my pursuits will help empower cancer survivors and improve care for them by identifying and addressing problems that negatively affect their quality of life.”
Heba Mohedat, PhD Student
“UB has a great reputation of preparing their students at a doctoral level and the program's dedication to diversity blends well with my goals of spreading knowledge and health to third world countries.”
Jeffrey Pimentel, DNP '23 (Anesthesia)
“I choose UB for my nursing education because of their highly rated online RN to BS program. I was excited I could receive such a quality education while remaining in my hometown.”
Justin Bates, BS '21 (RN to BS program)
"Through interprofessional learning and practice experienced in the DNP program, I feel better equipped to move forward as an advocate for unity in health care, and as an important part of the multidisciplinary health care team."