Global Immersion Experience: Peru

Cusco view from Sacsayhuamán.

Cusco view from Sacsayhuamán.

An Ethical Global Health Program

  • Improve the health and well-being of the individuals and communities​
  • Ensure burdens participants place on local communities are minimized​
  • Respect people and be sensitive and respectful of cultural differences​
  • Pre-departure preparation for ethical challenges and moral distress​
  • Participate with ethical and professional organizations​

Details and Cost



  • Reduce the morbidity and mortality of cancer in disadvantaged Peruvians​
  • Maintain a free-standing regional clinic in Cusco, Peru, to provide sustained clinical services for women, men, and children​
  • Serve as an educational training site for Peruvian and international healthcare providers​
  • Extend the availability of clinical trials to eligible patients ​
  • Educate Peruvians about cancer prevention and other health issues


Aug. 17-24, 2024 (tentative)

Cost: $1,800 (not including experiences)

Costs listed below are approximate.
  • Lodging and transportation: $900
  • Flight: $600-$700
  • Food and toiletries: $200
  • Experiences: $200-500
Passport required.

In order to participate in this trip, you must have a passport in place that has six months of validity. 

Application Closed

About Peru

Machu Picchu, site of ancient Inca ruins located about 50 miles northwest of Cuzco, Peru, in the Cordillera de Vilcabamba of the Andes Mountains. 

Program Contact information

Molli Oldenburg, DNP, RN, FNP-C

Program Director, Family Nurse Practitioner Program; Global Initiatives Coordinator; Clinical Associate Professor

324 Wende Hall

Phone: 716-829-2303
