Clinical Cases Studies: An Interprofessional and International Virtual Course

Faculty from the University of Buffalo and University of the Cape Coast (UCC) in Ghana, Africa, in the schools of pharmacy and nursing will provide clinical cases in their respective countries for students to review. This experience provides students with international communication skills and collaboration, cultural awareness, and knowledge of and perspective of health care on a global level. Facilitators of the course will alternate between the faculty of the UB and UCC schools of pharmacy and nursing.

Quick Facts


7 virtual sessions (via Zoom) on Thursdays (details below)


1 credit (independent study elective)


No additional cost if enrolled for 12 credits for Fall 2024


  1. Each UB student will be paired with a UCC student.
  2. All documents will be provided to enrolled students in UB Box.
  3. One week prior to the class, students will be given a clinical case with a series of questions. Students are to meet with their international partner (time to be determined by the student group at their convenience) and complete the case/questions.
  4. Students will then attend and participate in the virtual faculty-facilitated session to review the clinical case. 

Session Details

  • Virtual Faculty Facilitated Sessions: Thursdays at 4 p.m. via Zoom (60 minutes)
  • Number of Sessions: 7
  • Schedule: Thursdays, 4-5 p.m.
Session Date Host School/Instructor Topic
Session 1 Aug. 29 UB/Dr. Prescott Introduction and HFrEF example case
Session 2 Sept. 5 UCC/Dr. Attah Schistosomiasis
Session 3 Sept. 12 UB/TBD Diabetes
Session 4 Sept. 19 UCC/Dr. Obeng-Mensah Cerebral Malaria
Session 5 Sept. 26 UB/Dr. Anadi Hypertension
Session 6 Oct. 3 UCC/Dr. Druye Sickle Cell Crisis
Session 7 Oct. 10 UB/Dr. Oldenburg Maternal Health/Hemorrhage

To register, contact:

Molli Oldenburg, DNP, RN, FNP-C

Program Director, Family Nurse Practitioner Program; Global Initiatives Coordinator; Clinical Associate Professor

310 Wende Hall

Phone: 716-829-2303
