UB nurses disseminate award-winning research at the 36th ENRS Scientific Sessions

Nursing students and faculty holding a University at Buffalo School of Nursing pennant.

Nursing students, faculty and staff at the 2024 ENRS conference in Boston.

Published April 5, 2024

Several students and faculty from the University at Buffalo’s School of Nursing presented research during the Eastern Nursing Research Society’s annual conference, held in Boston on April 3-5. UB representatives disseminated a range of research topics that include care access, health disparities, mental health, palliative care, oncology, and health technologies, among others.

Two UB nursing students earned awards for their research:

  • Kathryn Ledwin received the 2nd place award for PhD student posters for “Heart Failure Trends After COVID-19: A Significant Shift in Healthcare Utilization Pattern” (co-author: Sharon Hewner).
  • Skylar Bard received the 3rd place award for undergraduate student posters for "Impact of a Mobile App Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program on Stress and Anxiety in Underserved Communities” (co-author: Yu-Ping Chang).
Skylar Bard smiling while pointing to her research poster.

Undergraduate nursing student Skylar Bard won third place for her research poster.

Poster Session Participants

  • Stakeholder Perceptions of Rural Access to Prenatal Care: An Integrative Review (Stephanie Durfee; Danielle Nazarenko; Kafuli Agbemenu)
  • The Association Between Mindfulness, Symptom Severity, and Depression in Adults with Pulmonary Hypertension (Cristina de Rosa; Tania Von Visger)
  • Exploring Pressure Injury Risk Factors in Adult Patients with Cancer: an Integrative Review (Melissa Hiscock; Darryl Somayaji)
  • The Effect of Integrating Palliative Medicine in the Intensive Care Unit on Moral Distress among Critical Care Nurses (Vidya Chan)
  • Virtual, Nurse-Led, Group Brief Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Cancer Survivors (Kelly Foltz-Ramos)
  • Development of a Family Planning Video Intervention for African Refugee Women with Low-Literacy Living in the United States (Kafuli Agbemenu; Danielle Nazarenko; Stephanie Durfee; Gloria Aidoo-Frimpong; Ariel Daniel; Gretchen Ely)
  • Heart Failure Trends After COVID-19: A Significant Shift in Healthcare Utilization Patterns (Kathryn Ledwin; Sharon Hewner)
  • How Disparate Organizations Adapt to Complexity While Implementing an Innovative Cross-Sector Transitional Care Intervention for Post-Acute High-Need Individuals (Jarod Gabello; Sharon Hewner)
  • Impact of a Mobile App Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program on Stress and Anxiety in Underserved Communities (Skylar Bard; Yu-Ping Chang)
  • The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Mental Health Outcomes among Adults in Low-Income and Underserved Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Leann Balcerzak; Yu-Ping Chang)

Scientific Series Presentations

Older Adults

  • The Moderating Effect of Dementia on Mental Health and Perceived General Health in Dyads of Older Adults and Their Family Caregivers (Cristina de Rosa; Weijun Wang, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York School of Nursing; Yu-Ping Chang, University at Buffalo School of Nursing)

Social Determinants of Health

  • Predictors of Low-Value Utilization in Heart Failure Using Machine Learning: The Impact of Area Deprivation and Patient Complexity (Kathryn Ledwin, University at Buffalo & St. John Fisher University; Sabrina Casucci, University at Buffalo School of Nursing; Suzanne Sullivan, State University of New York Upstate Medical University; Sharon Hewner, University at Buffalo School of Nursing

Older Adults

  • Factors Associated with Help-seeking among Chinese Americans Who Reported Elder Mistreatment (Ying-Yu Chao, Rutgers University; Jin Young Seo, Hunter College; Yu-Ping Chang, University at Buffalo School of Nursing)

Mobile App-Based Interventions for Mental Health and Substance Use

  • Development and Evaluation of an Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Mobile App Intervention for Underserved Communities during COVID-19 (Yu-Ping Chang, University at Buffalo School of Nursing; Cristina de Rosa; Courtney Hanny, University at Buffalo School of Nursing; Leann Balcerzak, University at Buffalo; Ashleigh Holmes, University at Buffalo School of Nursing; Tania Von Visger, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Nursing; Loralee Sessanna, University at Buffalo, School of Nursing; Christopher Barrick, University at Buffalo)
  • Development of A Mobile App to Address E-Cigarette Use among Adolescents (Eunhee Park, University at Buffalo; Sushanth Grandhi, State University of New York at Buffalo; Youngran Cha, School of Nursing, University at Buffalo, SUNY; Victoria Finamore, SUNY Buffalo; Zhanpeng Jin, State University of New York at Buffalo; Yu-Ping Chang, University at Buffalo School of Nursing)
  • Incorporating mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) for symptom management using mobile-health approaches in pulmonary hypertension (Tania Von Visger, State University of New York at Buffalo School of Nursing; Bhargav Vasist, The State University of New York At Buffalo; Yanjun Zhou, University of Buffalo School of Nursing; Harman Singh, The State University of New York At Buffalo; Anant Patni, The State University of New York At Buffalo; Yu-Ping Chang, University at Buffalo School of Nursing)

Media Contact

Sarah Goldthrite
Director of Marketing, Communications & Alumni Engagement
School of Nursing
105 Beck Hall (South Campus)
Email: sgoldthr@buffalo.edu
Tel: 716-829-3209