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Program Tracks

  • Post-BS to PhD
    The Post-BS to PhD program equips baccalaureate-prepared nurses to pursue a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing.
  • Post-MS to PhD
    The Post-MS to PhD program equips master's prepared for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing.
  • Post-DNP to PhD
    The Post-DNP to PhD program equips doctorally prepared nurse practitioners for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing.
  • Early Assurance Admissions
    The Early Assurance PhD in Nursing Program enables students to start their PhD studies while gaining RN work experience. Undergraduate students from UB and other accredited nursing schools can apply after the fall semester of their senior year. Accepted applicants must complete their BSN, pass the NCLEX-RN and then enter the PhD program on a part-time basis the following fall. Participants in the Early Assurance Program are eligible for scholarships and federal traineeship awards.
PhD Students Are Eligible to Apply for NFLP Funding

The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) is a funding opportunity that aims to increase the number of qualified nursing faculty. PhD students can apply for up to five years of financial support, contingent upon ongoing federal funding. To learn more, visit the UB SON NFLP page.

Program Objectives and Outcomes

Additional Information