Student receives scholarship award from national holistic nurses organization

Michelle Kober.

Michelle Kober, MS, RN, AHN-BC

Published June 14, 2023


Michelle Kober, a second-year nursing PhD student, was one of three recipients of the 2023 Bea Alley Commemorative Scholarship Award for Students. The award was presented by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) in Orlando, Florida, during their annual conference in early June.

Kober’s research areas of interest are mindfulness and holistic nursing. Specifically, she is interested in self-care interventions to treat and prevent stress and burnout among nurses and health care workers. She is slated to present virtually about the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on mental health and psychological distress among nurses and health care workers at Sigma Theta Tau’s 2024 Creating Healthy Work Environments conference.

As a clinical instructor at Binghamton University’s School of Nursing, Kober also reinforces the critical need for compassionate holistic human caring when teaching undergraduate nursing students.

Her nominator, Loralee Sessanna, clinical professor and board certified advanced holistic nurse, says “Michelle’s vision and approach to nursing practice, education, advocacy, community and service work and her nursing research interests perfectly reflect this year’s AHNA conference theme, ‘holistic nursing in action.’”

Media Contact

Sarah Goldthrite
Director of Marketing, Communications & Alumni Engagement
School of Nursing
105 Beck Hall (South Campus)
Tel: 716-829-3209