Linda Steeg, NP of the Year

Linda Steeg, DNP, RN, ANP-C.

Linda L. Steeg accepting WNY Nurse Practitioner of the Year Award for 2014

Published June 19, 2014 This content is archived.

Nominated by her professional colleagues in the Western New York, UBSON faculty member Linda L. Steeg was awarded the Mary M. Kontos Nurse Practitioner of the Year Award for 2014.

“There is truly no other career I would choose if I had it to do all over again. ”
Linda L. Steeg, DNP, RN, ANP-BC
Clinical Associate Professor

Steeg completed her entire nursing education preparation at the University at Buffalo, School of Nursing, starting with her Bachelor’s Science in Nursing in 1975 and ending with her terminal degree as a DNP in 2013.

Entering her 40th year in Professional Nursing Practice and her 15th as an Advanced Practice Nurse, Dr. Steeg stated: 

"I cannot help but reflect upon how personally rewarding my professional career has been.  Many of these rewards have come from both the nursing students I have mentored in my years as a clinical faculty as well as from my professional colleagues and coworkers across the various environments in which I have practiced.” But most of all, these personal rewards have come from the people and the families who have allowed me to be a part of their lives.”

"When you are passionate about your career, you never” have to go to work” a day in your life!  There is truly no other career I would choose if I had it to do all over again”.