Nursing Student Organization members provide health education at community health clinic

Published September 6, 2022

NSO President aims to increase nursing student presence in the community.

“I believe it's important to experience different situations so that we can learn how to better serve and communicate with our patients. ”
Elizabeth Mahaney, Nursing Student Organization President

On July 20, 2022, University at Buffalo Nursing Student Organization (NSO) members volunteered at the seventh annual Project Connect Niagara at the Heart, Love and Soul Food Pantry in Niagara Falls.

NSO President Elizabeth Mahaney coordinated the opportunity with Catholic Health, where she was previously employed.

“We worked with nursing staff from Mount St. Mary's Hospital to take vital signs, provide health education and answer questions about health topics such as blood pressure, blood sugar and healthy lifestyle choices,” she says.

The event, which connected nearly 40 organizations to provide information and referrals for medical services, employment opportunities, legal advice and social services for over 200 community members, was presented by Niagara County Coalition for Services to the Homeless. 

Mahaney aims to offer nursing students additional perspectives for working with diverse populations within the community. 

“I have been particularly enthusiastic in encouraging student involvement in community events such as this,” she explains. “I believe it's important to experience different situations so that we can learn how to better serve and communicate with our patients. The world is full of many different people and diverse nursing settings and there will never be a shortage of challenges to learn and grow from.”

Media Contact

Sarah Goldthrite
Director of Marketing, Communications & Alumni Engagement
School of Nursing
105 Beck Hall (South Campus)
Tel: 716-829-3209