DNP applicants who have non-nursing coursework and transcripts that are ≥10 years old will not be utilized in the overall bachelor’s GPA calculated during the review process. Students will still be required to send all official transcripts to our office for review. The nursing GPA review process would not change.
Faculty advisors are assigned according to the students’ advanced certificate program areas. Faculty advisors supervise and assist students in planning a program of study.
The student schedules a meeting with his/her faculty advisor to discuss professional goals, possible waiver of required course(s), transfer of credits, and use of prior coursework towards the degree (if applicable). The Program Agreement is a working document. It is understood that as the student learns and explores new opportunities that the Program Agreement may be modified in accordance with the student’s professional goals. Therefore, the student must meet with the faculty advisor each semester to monitor progression and revise the Program Agreement as necessary. If there are revisions to the plan of study during the academic year, a revised Program Agreement must be filed immediately. The program agreement must be signed by the student and the faculty advisor every time it is updated.
Faculty advisors are assigned according to the students’ specialty program areas. Faculty advisors supervise and assist students in planning a program of study. The student is encouraged to identify his/her focus for the DNP Project as early as possible in the program to facilitate selection of his/her DNP Project advisor.
The student schedules a meeting with his/her faculty advisor to discuss professional goals, DNP Project area of interest, possible waiver of required course(s), transfer of credits, and use of prior coursework towards the degree (if applicable). The Program Agreement is a working document. It is understood that as the student learns and explores new opportunities that the Program Agreement may be modified in accordance with the student’s professional goals. Therefore, the student must meet with the faculty advisor each semester to monitor progression and revise the Program Agreement as necessary. If there are revisions to the plan of study during the academic year, a revised Program Agreement must be filed immediately. The program agreement must be signed by the student and the faculty advisor every time it is updated.
The School of Nursing will consider transfer credits for the Doctor of Nursing Practice. DNP students are eligible to transfer in no more than 50% of the total minimum credits required for that specific degree program. Post-MS students are only allowed to transfer in work from another DNP program or a PhD program. Prior approval of all graduate level coursework by School of Nursing faculty is required. Student must request a course syllabus and have it approved by SON course faculty prior to graduate school approval. Final approval of any transfer credits is made by the graduate school. Questions can be directed to the Office of Student Services.
A minimum of 90% of all credits applied to a UB advanced certificate credential must be comprised of UB credit. The advanced certificate is an official post-baccalaureate credential in New York State. However, it is not considered a degree program. Therefore, all credits satisfactorily completed for a UB advanced certificate, may also count toward a relevant UB graduate degree. Final approval of any transfer credits is made by the graduate school. Questions can be directed to the Office of Student Services.
Progression of an Advanced Degree or DNP student is dependent on receiving a grade of “B” or better or “S” in all required courses, maintaining an overall grade point average of at least 3.00 (“B”) with no U or F grades earned, completion of at least 67% of their attempted credits each term and demonstrating acceptable professional behavior. Please refer to the Academic Standing Graduate School policies for further guidance.
Progression is also dependent upon acceptable professional behavior. All rules of the Board of Trustees of SUNY, and all of the laws of the City of Buffalo, the Town of Amherst, the State of New York and the United States of America apply on campus and are considered part of the Student Code of Conduct. Additionally, students must immediately notify the appropriate program coordinator of all criminal arrests and convictions. While criminal proceedings will not automatically bar a student from participating in clinical situations, the Associate Dean for Clinical Programs must assess each individual set of circumstances to determine if the student will be allowed to participate in such clinical situations. In some circumstances, a student with a pending criminal matter may be required to refrain from participating in clinical situations until the criminal matter is resolved.
Professional behaviors such as accountability, responsibility and promptness are expectations of all nursing students. These behaviors are monitored by faculty and consistent patterns of unprofessional behavior will be documented and addressed with students through an action plan for improvement. Failure to meet professional behavior expectations may affect progression and retention in the nursing program.
Evidence of any of the following behaviors, which will be documented and kept in the student’s file, may result in verbal admonition, action plan for improvement, reduction in course grade, failure and/or dismissal from the program. Those behaviors with an asterisk (*) are especially serious and can result in immediate suspension from the course and/or dismissal from the program.
Evidence of unacceptable professional behavior, which will be documented and kept in the student’s record, may result in verbal admonition, written warning, reduction in course grade, failure, dismissal from the program or immediate suspension from the nursing course(s).
Should a student not fulfill one or more of the progression standards, they will be placed on academic probation or dismissed from the program. The Office of Student Services will identify any student who may be considered for probationary or dismissal status and will notify the respective program coordinator, Associate Dean for Clinical Programs and the student of their failure to meet progression requirements.
The Office of Student Services will review the record of a student on academic probation at the end of each semester and will notify the program coordinator and the Advanced Certificate/DNP Committee of the student’s progress or failure to meet the conditions of probation. A student on probation will be subject to dismissal from the program if all requirements are not met in accordance with the letter of probation. Students admitted provisionally must meet all progression standards during their first semester of enrollment as well as the conditions of their provisional acceptance to continue in the program.
Students who have been removed from probationary status and receive a second failing grade or receive two grades less than “B” in the same semester will be automatically dismissed from their program. Similarly, students who have repeated a course and earned two failing grades (less than “B”) in the same course will be dismissed. Any failure (less than “B”) of a clinical practicum course will result in an automatic dismissal.
The student may appeal to the Advanced Certificate/DNP Committee and should have their program coordinator’s endorsement to be considered for reinstatement.
The Director of Student Services informs the student when their status in the School of Nursing changes as a result of failure to meet progression requirements (i.e., probation or dismissal). The Director of Student Services also notifies the student of dismissal from the School of Nursing and provides information about the dismissal appeal process along with the specific time frame for completion of a written petition to the Advanced Certificate/DNP Committee.
*Academic days are defined as weekdays when classes are in session, not including the summer or winter sessions. The Advanced Certificate/DNP program committee only meets during the academic year calendar when classes are in session.
Students must maintain a grade of 3.0 or better in all required courses to graduate from the program. Graduation is dependent on the completion of a DNP Project and all required courses on the degree plan established by the advisor and student. The DNP Project topic will be determined after consultation with the DNP Project Course faculty, program advisor, community partner or mentor, and student as soon possible. Coursework preceding the DNP Project is designed to help the student develop the literature review and methods to accomplish the DNP Projects.
Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA to automatically progress in the DNP program. Graduation is dependent on the completion of a DNP Project and all required courses on the degree plan established by the advisor and student. The DNP Project topic will be determined by the program advisor, community partner or mentor, and student as soon as possible.
Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA to automatically progress in the Advanced Certificate programs. Graduation is dependent on the completion of all required courses on the degree plan established by the advisor and student.
Independent Study may consist of directed study, readings, individualized instruction, field experience, research or other appropriate activities. Students may apply up to a maximum of 6 credits of Independent Study to their program. Approval of a proposal for Independent Study is contingent upon the availability of faculty and facilities and approval of the student’s advisor.
The student must make an explicit agreement with a graduate faculty member[JS1] or with other appropriate faculty as recommended by the student’s advisor. The student must submit an Independent Study Proposal Form to the Office of Student Services as soon as plans are finalized. The proposal is then reviewed by the School of Nursing Advanced Certificate/DNP Committee and, if approved, forwarded to the Graduate School for review. Independent Study proposals should be submitted in the semester prior to that planned for implementation.
One copy of the Independent Study Form should be retained in the Office of Student Services
Selected topics courses allow faculty to offer new courses on an experimental basis without seeking formal approval. When a student takes a Selected Topics course, a copy of the course outline should be retained to submit with the student's Application to Candidacy (ATC).
Students are expected to maintain a professional appearance in all clinical settings and must comply with additional agency policies. Advanced Certificate/DNP students participating in clinical experiences are required to wear business casual clothing, and refrain from visible piercings and tattoos. If clinical agency requires laboratory coat, this can be purchased at the University Bookstore.
Students are expected to fully participate in all classroom, laboratory and clinical activities without restriction. A student is expected to inform (disclose) to a nursing faculty member or staff member (director of student services) any health related issue that may put either the student or client in danger.
A student may be required to provide evidence from his/her health care provider if restrictions in learning activities are needed due to health reasons. To the extent possible faculty will work with the student to achieve the required learning outcomes.
Student may need to withdraw from their graduate nursing courses in order to allow time to receive treatment and improve his/her health condition and to maintain the safety of clients. Refer to the Graduate School's Leave of Absence and Withdrawal policies.
Graduate students are expected to maintain a professional appearance in the Health Assessment Lab and clinical settings. Students are also expected to comply with agency policy, which includes such items as:
Participation in clinical practicum experiences by DNP and Certificate nursing students necessitates that particular attention be given to protection of the health of both students and the public with whom they come in contact. Certain preventive measures on the part of graduate nursing students enrolled in direct patient care clinical practicum courses are, therefore, required.
Each student must assume responsibility for meeting health requirements established by the School and/or the various agencies that are utilized. These include:
Other immunization requirements may be required to meet health requirements of various health agencies and New York State Department of Health, such as influenza and COVID-19 vaccine. These requirements will be communicated to the students as necessary.
UB School of Nursing (SON) graduate students rotate through hospital-based clinics as part of their clinical education so they must comply with New York State Department of Health immunization requirements for hospital personnel in order to participate in hospital-based rotations.
Students who participate in clinical experiences must maintain current documentation of having completed a course on Basic Life Support (including both adults and pediatrics) for health care providers while in the DNP and Certificate nursing programs. Nurse Anesthetist students must maintain current documentation of Basic Life Support, Pediatric Life Support and Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support. This course, along with appropriate documentation, must be obtained through the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association. DNP and Certificate students are required to have a current life support certification(s) prior to any clinical nursing activity. Be sure to submit a copy of updated life support certifications to Jessica Wang-Strykowski (nurse anesthetist students) or Jackie Martek (nurse practitioner students).
Jennifer Schreier
Senior Director of Student and Academic Services
Student Services